"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

"Welcome! Thank you for visiting! Perhaps you have been nudged by one of your spirit loved ones to visit my page, or maybe you’re just curious about learning more. Either way, I’m so glad that you’re here! Feel free to explore my offerings, read more about me, and peruse the testimonials. Should you have any questions, feel free to send me an email. Much love!" - Mary Kathleen
"Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
-Robert Frost
Reconnect with your loved one in spirit through automatic writing!
Through easy-to-understand instructions and prompts channeled by Mary Kathleen, this journal will be your guide as you tap into your own innate psychic sensory abilities to communicate with your loved ones in spirit. With compassion and wisdom, this journal offers a space for mutual reflection, inspiration, and connection between you and your loved one(s). Its thought-provoking prompts, uplifting quotes, and supportive information provide the guidance and encouragement all readers and journal writers need to embark on this transformative journey toward healing and self-discovery.

Mary is an evidential medium who connects with the spirit loved ones of people on the earth plane, as well as intuitively to her clients for guidance and growth. Her two central motivators for her work are to provide healing and irrefutable proof that both life and love after death absolutely exist. Mary utilizes her natural abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience to connect with the spirit loved ones of her clients, as well as intuitively to her client's higher selves and guides. Whether a client is seeking validation of the afterlife via a hello from heaven, desiring an emotional connection as a portion of his/her grief journey, taking steps towards healing a painful history with a loved one in spirit, or seeking an intuitive connection as part of his/her own spiritual or personal growth and healing, Mary is a very down-to-earth medium and prides herself in her open and honest approach to working with both the earth and the spiritual realms. Mary is passionate about evidence as an imperative component of mediumship, which is communicated to her by her client’s spirit loved ones as proof of their continued existence and presence for love, healing, and growth – and, most importantly, as validation for their messages.