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Intuitive Card Readings Via Email
1 Question $45
3 Questions $105
This reading style is designed for those seeking intuitive guidance in a specific area or areas of their life at a lower price point than a face-to-face reading. This is not for mediumship.
A card reading via email includes:
The ability for you to ask one or three questions for your reading to be centered around (i.e. "Why does my marriage feel so hard right now?" "What can I do to improve my job satisfaction?" "What lesson am I meant to learn from [insert life event here]?"
Three oracle cards drawn per reading
An intuitive email reading by Mary regarding your questions for a minimum of 500 words for one-question readings and 1000 words for 3-question readings
A personalized card interpretation for each of your questions (this is not just a copy and paste of the tarot/oracle card guide)
Readings are completed within 3 business days of the receipt of your questions (questions are emailed to Mary by replying to your order confirmation email after payment is transmitted)
Common areas of focus may be but are not limited to:
-romantic relationships,
-family relationships,
-living pets,
-your spiritual journey,
-current personal struggles,
-any other subjects that you are needing guidance on at the moment to reach your highest potential and achieve soul growth, contentment, alignment, happiness, or aid in making a decision.
What Others Are Saying:
"Mary has done a few intuitive card readings for me via email, and they have been so helpful, so thorough and have mentioned so many things that are specific to my life and the questions that I've asked. It is so much easier for me to process written content vs spoken, so this type of reading truly speaks to me. My husband - the skeptic - even decided to do a reading for himself after he saw what she sent! It really feels like a friend providing insight. Mary is considerate, timely and truly gifted. If you're even considering, I wouldn't hesitate to connect with Mary for a reading." - Jodi
"I have had multiple readings with Mary, a mediumship reading, an animal reading and 2 intuitive readings via email. I have been very impressed with each one but I really think the intuitive email readings are my favorite. They really give me things to think about and help me feel confident in my own knowledge and intuition. It's like a gentle nudge from a friend to keep growing and trusting in the unfolding of life." - Kelly
"This is the second reading that I have received from Mary Kathleen and honestly, words cannot describe how amazing she is! She was spot on with her answers. I asked three questions of Mary; questions that I haven’t shared with anyone but one person. Mary knew the situation EXACTLY and answered it just like your best friend would; Lovingly said, caring and kindly. There are no gimmicks with Mary. She is a wonderful, kind and gentle soul and she is the best medium that I know of, hands down. Give yourself a beautiful gift by getting a reading from her. It is so worth it! :). " - Melissa
"I have had the pleasure of receiving a few different readings with Mary over the past 3 years, some were animal mediumship, live animal readings, and intuitive readings, and recently I have had the pleasure of her card email readings. All sessions with Mary have provided great comfort, guidance and verification of what I already knew, but lately the email readings have been particularly beneficial for me. I am currently focused on healing some childhood wounds/trauma that have been affecting my intimate relationships as well as my own wellbeing, and being able to go back over her readings in print has provided me with a whole other level of analysis, clarity and peace. Mary has helped guide me to my inner truth, and connect more with my loved ones in spirit and earth-side. Her work is helping me access my true self in a way I never knew was possible. I plan on continuing to work with Mary across all forms of her offerings." - Stephanie
Please note, that Mary believes the future is fluid and NOT set it stone. The future is impacted by our energies, choices, and actions of today, which means that we are empowered and co-creators of our own lives. Thus, card/intuitive readings read and reflect the energy of where you are on your current trajectory.
Please keep in mind: When receiving intuitive readings, you need to be prepared to hear what your ego may not want to hear (think the old adage: "How do I get him back?" when you already know deep in your gut that the relationship is unhealthy for you). This does not mean a reading is "bad" or "inaccurate", it means that it's uncomfortable for your ego but nourishment for your human journey.
How to arrange for a card reading via email:
Click "place order" below
Chose card reading via email on the next screen
Choose the next available date and time on Mary's appointment calendar (this is just a placeholder - the timing of your reading being completed is dependent on your questions being sent in a timely manner)
Complete your transaction and payment
An order confirmation email will immediately be sent (if you don't receive it immediately, check your spam folder - Mary's email is
Reply to the order confirmation email or email Mary directly with your three questions that you want your reading to focus on
Wait for your email reading to be sent within 3 business days of your questions being sent
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